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“ An egg a day, how simple is that? “

Escrito por: Ad Bal

Content available at: العربية (Arabic)

Producing eggs in a sustainable way, creating jobs and making eggs accessible to every world citizen. One egg a day for everyone, how simple is that? In a nutshell these are the long term objectives of  chairman Suresh Chitturi of the International Egg Commission (IEC). An IEC expert group has been formed to support these goals.  

“Eggs are the best protein of animal origin”, says Suresh Chitturi. “So what can we do to further benefit from eggs in human nutrition?” The vice chairman and managing director of Srinivasa Farms in India has a clear vision on how to further grow the world egg industry.

“We must realise that over 220 million children under the age of five were malnourished in 2019”, Chitturi says. “And not just that: 45% of deaths among children under five were linked to undernutrition. Moreover, it is reported that 1 in 9 people went hungry in 2018 and 2 billion capita out of the current 8 billion world population are moderately or severely food insecure. And the world population is to further grow to an expected 10 billion. So as IEC we also have a social responsibility to improve people’s lives through the reduction of these numbers and the egg business can play a fantastic role in this respect.”

For this purpose IEC formed the ‘Environmental Sustainability Expert Group’ (ESEG) in May 2020. The aim of this group is to enhance continuous development and improvement of sustainable practices throughout the egg value chain. It supports the Global Initiative for Sustainable Eggs (GISE), which is a multi-stakeholder initiative launched by the IEC to stimulate discussion and action that will carve the way for sustainable egg production for future generations. “Its objective is to support the industry to continue to improve the environmental sustainability of global egg businesses by identifying and addressing areas of development to achieve the industry’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Lead the way

According to Chitturi, this expert group will support the egg industry to continue to lead the way in global animal protein production, as the industry strives to continue to deliver an affordable, safe, sustainable and accessible form of nutrition for the planet’s growing population.
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