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The company puts into practice its value of Breeding Sustainability for a brighter future
Aviagen® Latin America is committed to the cause of Sustainability, working to secure a brighter future for its customers, along with the planet and its people. Putting this commitment into practice, the company announced that it will contribute R$ 1.5 million ($288,949 USD) to the JBS Fund for the Amazon.
The Fund is a non-profit organization in Brazil dedicated to promote sustainable development of the Amazon Biome (an area that contains the Amazon rainforest, a region of tropical rainforest, and other ecoregions that cover most of the Amazon basin and some adjacent areas). Its initiatives focus on forest conservation and restoration, community development and science and technology advancement.
Distributed over the next three years, Aviagen’s donation will help further these important projects.
Iván Pupo Lauandos, President of Aviagen Latin America
“We are happy to contribute to a variety of projects that are essential to the sustainability of the Amazon – one of the world’s most valuable ecosystems. Each initiative promotes the sustainable growth of communities and businesses within the Amazon Biome, putting forest preservation first,” explained Ivan Pupo Lauandos, President of Aviagen Latin America. “Aviagen takes a balanced and responsible approach to poultry breeding, making Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability a top priority. The JBS Fund and Aviagen share this common commitment and believe that, working together, we can make great strides in our mission to create a healthy environment and better future for our children and grandchildren.”
For Joanita Maestri Karoleski,
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