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Jan Wolleswinkel: How companies are helping each other?

During the three-day congress at the VIV-Europe 2022, aviNews International had the great opportunity to interview different poultry experts with experience in diverse fields or areas in the industry. This note introduces you to the interview with Jan Wolleswinkel, the Dutch Poultry Centre Chairman.

The interviews were developed by Ad Bal, the editor of aviNews International, who has more than 20 years of experience as an editor in de poultry sector.

Dutch Poultry Centre is an organization that compiles most of the Dutch poultry companies. The purpose is to work as a multi-center and network organization to tell the world that in the Netherlands, there is a system of specialized companies that work together and bring their knowledge to other parts of the world, Said Jan.

Jan indicated that members of the organization work together to help each other. He said they are a very small organization, but they try to bring those companies who are members of the exporter center.

>> It is because, as an organization, they have conferences, marketplaces, and receptions where all companies can meet each other. In addition, they take advantage of the ministers and embassies from different countries to see some special things they can afford and work very nearby.

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