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Stages of Registration and Authentication of Poultry Establishments in Saudi Arabia


All poultry production establishments and farms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are subject to monitoring and follow-up to implement the best international practices, including the application of animal production standards from Saudi Good Agricultural Practices (SAUDI GAP). In the spirit of achieving competitive justice and raising the level of quality and transparency, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) has recently imposed the application of GAP standards on establishments exporting poultry products to the Kingdom, where all suppliers of products are obligated to obtain authentication for their establishments through one of the authentication companies approved by the Ministry.

Stages of Registration and Authentication

  1. Submission of application and registration
  2. Choosing an authentication company
  3. Inspection and tracking work
  4. Auditing and authenticating the establishments
  5. Accreditation

The Stages of Registration and Authentication of Poultry Establishments

First: Submission of Application and Registration

The investor wishing to obtain the certificate shall submit an application through the (Naama) platform, as follows:

Second: Choosing an Authentication Company (AgriServ)

Third: Inspection and Tracking Work (Authentication Company)

The accredited authentication company carries out the following:

Fourth: Auditing and Authenticating the Establishment (AgriServ)

Fifth: Clearance

The competent department in the Ministry shall ratify and deliver the accreditation certificate to the investor.


Sources: Available upon request

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