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You can now access the preliminary program for the LPN Miami 2018

formación avicultura lpn congress 2018

Preliminary scientific program for the LPN Miami 2018 is now available as well as the program for the technical update workshops that will be held on October 23rd within the framework of the Latin American congress of the year.

Furthermore, the LPN congress website contains all the information of interest related to this event, as well as how to register. The LPN Congress 2018 was created to become the meeting point for the poultry production and animal nutrition industry in Latin America, with a high-level program with excellent technical conferences.

The event program will take place in three parallel conference rooms and will be under the technical direction of Dr. Guillermo Zavala (Avian Health International, LLC, Associate Professor at University of Georgia). Furthermore, Antônio Mário Penz Junior will be responsible for the technical direction of the nutrition room.



WORKSHOP- INCUBATION: Optimization of incubation to increase productive yields. A worry-free hatchery.

Workshop sponsored by Jamesway

WORKSHOP – ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT: Ensuring high productive performance of our birds due to an ideal environment of the poultry barn.

Workshop sponsored by Exafan

WORKSHOP – LAYER PRODUCTION: Practical benefits from extensive experience in laying hens.  

Workshop sponsored by Lohmann Tierzucht

WORKSHOP – NUTRITION: The relevance of animal nutrition and health in livestock production

Workshop sponsored by Tectron 

WORKSHOP- PATHOLOGY: Disease, immunosuppression, and the role of vaccination.


– Challenges and opportunities for the development of poultry meat in Latin America.

-Epidemiological and economic management of respiratory diseases in broilers and broiler breeders.

-Biosecurity, an essential investment in poultry

– Addressing the mindset of field technicians towards productivity

-The importance of Benchmarking in poultry production

-Egg Industry in Latin America, a whole world of investment and profitability

-Interactions between genetics, nutrition, health, economy, and management in the productivity of the egg industry -The most common and expensive health challenges for the egg industry, how to establish its control

– European experience in current and future challenges in egg production

– Benefits of investment in technical development and modernization of infrastructure and equipment for egg and meat production

-Turkey in Latin America, a production of the future

-Yield improvement and loss reduction in poultry processing plants

-The quota system or supply and demand control in Canada as responsible for the greatest utilities of the continent in egg production

– Reducing egg productivity losses associated with sanitary and nutritional problems, deficiencies in transportation and handling in sorting and packing plants

– Management and professional growth of personnel, basic elements for investment in production personnel for the development of Latin American poultry companies

The event program will take place in three parallel conference rooms and will be under the technical direction of Dr. Guillermo Zavala (Avian Health International, LLC, Associate Professor at University of Georgia). Furthermore, Antônio Mário Penz Junior will be responsible for the technical direction of the nutrition room.


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