Grape polyphenols (NuxaFen®) can replace synthetic vitamin E under standard and challenging formulations
Dry grape extracts (Vitis Vinifera spp. Vinifera, NuxaFen®, Nuproxa Switzerland) contain high levels of polyphenols, including proanthocyanidins, which confer high antioxidant capacity.
Polyphenols work as:
Previous work has shown that NuxaFen® can partly replace synthetic vitamin E in broiler diets without altering zootechnical performance (Dewez et al., 2022).
Evaluate the capacity of NuxaFen® to partially or totally, replace synthetic vitamin E in broilers fed a diet with high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, Fe and metabolizable energy (ME).
The study was conducted with the research service of ZOOTEST, Ploufragan and within a commercial barn (GAEC de La Ville Gestin, Gestin 22640).
One thousand and twenty (1020) day-old ROSS-308 chicks (100% males) were weighed and
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