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The importance of the first days in broiler chicken rearing

Escrito por: David Corredor

During the initial week of rearing, broiler chickens experience rapid growth, gaining up to five times their starting weight. This critical period constitutes approximately one-third of a standard broiler chicken’s life. Proper management during these early days is essential to ensure healthy development and optimal performance.

Key criteria for successful brooding in the first week:

  1. Thermally suitable environment:
    • Broiler chicks are homoeothermic animals, meaning they must maintain a constant body temperature between 40°C and 42°C.
    • In the first week, chicks lack the ability to efficiently respond to lower temperatures. Therefore, monitoring the air temperature across the entire area accessible to the flock is crucial.
    • Recommendations for temperature:
      • In barns with external heating systems (without in-house brooder heaters), maintain 32°C at room temperature.
      • In buildings equipped with in-house brooder heaters, maintain 30°C at room temperature and 38–40°C under the brooders.
    • Litter temperature is equally important. Aim for a surface temperature of approximately 30°C.
    • Proper equipment calibration before chick arrival ensures a successful start.
  2. Stimulating feed consumption:
    • Early feed intake is a key indicator of the starting period’s quality.
    • Monitor feed consumption rates:
      • 2 hours after arrival: 75% of chicks should have a full crop.
      • 12 hours: 85%.
      • 24 hours: 95%.
      • 48 hours: 100%.
    • Spatial distribution of chicks indicates thermal comfort:
      • Clustered around heating points: cold.
      • Against walls or away from heaters: potentially too warm.
  3. Minimizing pododermatitis and ensuring humane treatment:
    • Pododermatitis (footpad dermatitis) can occur due to poor litter quality or excessive moisture.
    • Regular litter management and maintaining appropriate litter temperature help prevent pododermatitis.
    • Humane treatment includes providing a comfortable environment that promotes growth and well-being.

Why the first seven days of rearing matter:

Over recent years, more emphasis has been placed on the broiler chicken’s first seven days of life. During this period:

There are 5 key points to help ensure broiler performance in the first week:

In summary, meticulous attention to environmental conditions, feed intake, and overall chick well-being during the first days of broiler chicken rearing significantly impacts their growth trajectory and overall health. By ensuring optimal conditions, we set the stage for successful broiler production.

Sources: Available upon request.

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