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The role of technology in ensuring sustainable poultry production

Escrito por: David Corredor

Poultry farming has evolved significantly over the years, and technology plays a pivotal role in shaping its future. From small-scale backyard operations to large industrial units, advancements in technology have transformed the poultry industry. Let’s explore how technology contributes to sustainability, efficiency, and overall well-being in poultry production.

  1. Precision farming and data-driven decisions

Aviculture precision: a game-changer

Aviculture precision refers to the use of smart technologies to optimize poultry production. These technologies include intelligent sensors, cameras, and automated processes. By collecting real-time data, farmers can make informed decisions regarding feed, water, and environmental conditions. For instance:

  1. Remote monitoring and control

Managing farms from afar

One of the most significant benefits of technological advancements is remote farm management. Farmers can now monitor their poultry operations from anywhere using mobile apps or web interfaces. Key advantages include:

  1. Environmental impact and resource conservation

A greener approach

Technology contributes to environmental sustainability in several ways:

  1. Animal welfare and health

Happier, healthier birds

Technology enhances animal welfare by:

  1. Economic viability

Balancing profit and sustainability


The integration of technology into poultry production is essential for achieving sustainability. By embracing smart solutions, farmers can enhance productivity, reduce environmental impact, and prioritize animal welfare. As we move forward, the poultry industry will continue to evolve, driven by innovation and a commitment to a more sustainable future.

Remember, technology isn’t just a tool; it’s the key to a thriving and responsible poultry sector.

Sources: Available upon request.

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