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Understanding heat-stress in layers (Part II)

Content available at: Español (Spanish)

Nutritional management in flocks with heat stress:
Closely monitor layers’ flock feed consumption during hot weather. It is important to reformulate the diet for other nutrients, particularly amino acids, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus, according to the demand for bird productivity (egg production phase) and observed feed intake.

Avoid feeding during hot periods of the day and encourage feed intake as much as possible in the early morning or late afternoon.

Consider adding a 1-2 hour midnight feeding.

Alter the size of the feed particles, either by increasing the size or by feeding a crumble diet. In crumble diets for layer flocks, a supplemental source or larger presentation of limestone particles is recommended.

Organic zinc can improve the quality of the eggshell by helping the activity of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase since zinc is a key mineral element of this important enzyme.

Increasing the proportion of the energy contribution from a highly digestible lipid, rather than starches or proteins, will reduce body heat produced from digestion. This is known as heat gain and is lower with dietary fat digestion.

A maximum time of 1 hour is generally recommended to clean the feeders, but during this time, it can be extended up to 3 hours when the temperature exceeds 36°C.

Diet Formulation

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