15 Mar 2021

1st International Incubation Course in Spanish

The specialization course in incubation is the first one in Spanish developed by AgriNews Campus from AgriNews Group and has […]

The specialization course in incubation is the first one in Spanish developed by AgriNews Campus from AgriNews Group and has the collaboration of recognized international experts in incubation. It is also certified by North Carolina State University – USA.

This course offers a comprehensive overview of incubator management through a series of key topics organized in 22 lessons and 7 modules. Besides, it has a final exam that will help you get certified by North Carolina State University.

The seven modules are:

  • Introduction/Introducción
  • Hatching eggs/Huevo incubable
  • Incbator analysis/La incubadora a análisis
  • Hatching window/Ventana de nacimiento
  • Hatchery managment/Manejos en la incubadora
  • Cleaning and desinfection of incubators and hatchers/Limpieza y desinfección de incubadoras
  • Cleaning and desinfection to transport chickens/Limpieza y desinfección de transporte

The registration has a cost of 420 USD for professionals and the following special rates:

Obtain 70 USD off by registering until March 22nd with the promo code: INCUBA70

Dont’miss the course, you are on time to register!!

Click here to get more information.

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