
Applied Poultry Science part-time programme (online learning)


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The Applied Poultry Science part-time programme offers a unique, research-led opportunity to study the different aspects of applied poultry science and aims to equip current and future professionals with skills, knowledge and understanding to address local and global challenges in sustainable poultry production. It is designed to suit those in continuing employment or with other commitments.

Participants typically come from a wide range of backgrounds who wish to develop their career and businesses, including:

  • nutritionists
  • breeders
  • vets
  • other poultry sector workers

How will I learn?

Our part-time, online programme is a fully flexible mix of technical, scientific, nutritional, and environmental and management-skills development modules. You can fit your studies in and around your work and other commitments. It is delivered largely by poultry specialists from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), and St David’s Poultry Team (veterinary surgeons).

Find all details here.


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