Improving the quality of life in the communities where we live, and work is an active focus for Cobb. As a business leader in various regions around the world, Cobb is driven by integrity, innovation and being the best within the workplace and in the communities where we have offices, farms, feed mills and hatcheries.
We are actively engaged, involved and supportive of our surrounding communities. Our community goals are to add value, demonstrate our dedication to area needs and genuinely advance social programs that benefit the people and the communities where we’re privileged to be located.
Cobb aims to operate safely, legally, ethically and sustainably in all communities where we have:
feed mills,
diagnostic laboratories and
production offices
In addition to being a major employer in rural areas where we have poultry production facilities, Cobb’s approach is to partner with local leaders and organizations to truly benefit these local communities.
These partnerships involve collaborating with local civic, education and service organizations, providing:
monetary and in-kind donations, and
encouraging our team members to be proactive leaders and volunteers in their communities.
Corporate investment in local projects and volunteer engagement in community initiatives are important for Cobb as a global business leader.
Our engagement and volunteer efforts are aligned with our mission to Feed the World and Make a Difference.
From a corporate perspective, Cobb supports communities via financial investment in:
>> education scholarships,
>> outreach programs,
>> community sponsorships,
>> council memberships, and
>> donations to community non-profit organizations.
>> Cobb also provides protein donations to local food pantries and community care facilities.
From a team member perspective, individual engagement includes:
>> budgeting volunteer hours for outdoor beautification and environmental clean-up projects,
>> serving as volunteer leaders for community groups, participating in community health and civic events, and
>> providing educational seminars for classrooms, civic groups and agriculture initiatives.
Making a difference in the world is in our DNA as a company and our roles as team members at Cobb! Despite the challenges with the pandemic, our dedication to support our communities has not faltered.
In fact, our innovative approach to
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