18 Apr 2022

Cobb-Vantress tells the stories of its customers in a book

April 12th was a time of reunions and celebrations for the company Cobb-Vantress, which launched the book “Success Stories.”

Last Tuesday night (April 12th) was a time of reunions and celebrations for the company Cobb-Vantress, which launched the book “Success Stories.” In a ceremony held in São Paulo, the world leader in poultry genetics received several representatives of partner companies to present the work that rescues the memories of national poultry.

Consisting of 28 chapters, the publication tells the stories of 26 companies’ customers of Cobb and the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). The Associate Director of Marketing at Cobb-Vantress in Latin America, Cassiano Bevilaqua, tells how the idea of remembering the trajectory of these institutions came about and already says that new editions may be launched.


The initiative came from our Associate Director of National Sales, Oscar Toneto, who always had this idea, and we always talked about this project. It was a work that we started at the beginning of the pandemic and, in this first edition, we have 26 companies representing 67 years of history”, explained Cassiano.

During the event, participants were able to follow a lecture on the new geopolitics and its impacts on agribusiness. This conference was presented by the senior professor of agribusiness at Insper and coordinator of the “Insper Agro Global” center, Marcos Jank. In his speech, the researcher took stock of the market after two years of the pandemic and the current scenario.

Participating in the meeting through a video, the Cobb-Vantress’ President, Joyce J. Lee, thanked the companies for their confidence in this project and highlighted the importance of the Brazilian market for the company.

“Brazil is important to Cobb, who has a long history in the country. We made significant investments in Brazil because we believe in you and the market. You are participating today in a milestone for a new story, reviewing the stories of Brazilian poultry companies and the journey Cobb took in Brazil. Cobb is honored to be a part of this journey and present this book,” congratulated by Joyce J. Lee.

ABPA President Ricardo Santin also

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