17 Sep 2021

DSM announces food system commitments to set a healthier future for people, planet and livelihoods

Royal DSM, a global purpose-led science-based company, announced on Tuesday a series of new quantifiable commitments aimed to address urgent […]

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Royal DSM, a global purpose-led science-based company, announced on Tuesday a series of new quantifiable commitments aimed to address urgent societal and environmental challenges linked to how the world produces and consumes food by 2030. DSM is one of the first companies in the consumer ingredient sector to make its societal impact explicit through a set of measurable food system commitments. These commitments cover three areas where the company believes it can make the greatest positive impact together with its business partners: Health for People, Health for Planet and Healthy Livelihoods.

Through investment in its (bio)science-based innovations, extensive partnerships, and advocacy activities, DSM aims to help deliver change to ensure accessible, affordable, healthy nutrition and healthy livelihoods within planetary boundaries. DSM’s new strategic food system commitments by 2030 are:


  • Enable the micronutrient gap of 800 million vulnerable people to be closed
  • Support the immunity of 500 million people


  • Enable double-digit on-farm livestock emission reductions
  • Reach 150 million people with nutritious, sustainable plant-based protein foods


  • Support the livelihoods of 500,000 smallholder farmers across value chains together with partners

These commitments support the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3, 12 and 13. DSM is committed to continue to obtain reasonable assurance on its impact reporting including these new commitments as it plans to report its progress every year in its Integrated Annual Report.


Geraldine Matchett and Dimitri de Vreeze, Co-CEOs, commented: “The way we produce and consume food as a society contributes to major global challenges, such as climate change, malnutrition and poverty. To solve this, we need to collectively rethink our food systems from farm to fork. As a purpose-led global science-based leader in health, nutrition and bioscience, we’ve been playing our part and applied our resources and expertise to create positive change, for instance through our food fortification and feed solutions for on-farm emission reduction. With today’s ambitious commitments we are taking a next step by making our societal impact explicit and measurable. We look forward to stepping this up, together with our public and private sector partners, to ensure accessible, affordable, healthy nutrition and healthy livelihoods within our planet’s boundaries.

Health for People

During 2020, the number of people


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