
H&N International, one of the worlds’ oldest genetics sets out to grow further, especially in Asian markets


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Currently the worlds’ fourth biggest provider of layer parent stock H&N International sets out to grow further, especially in Asian markets.

Founded by Arthur and Mary Heisdorf in 1945 in Wisconsin, USA, one of the worlds’ oldest genetics started a new era with new structure and vision since 2019. The years before it had stayed under the radar, being acquired first by Pfizer in 1971 and later, in 1987, by Lohmann Breeders. As vital part of the EW group and while keeping up the legacy the company developed further step by step ramping up to becoming the fastest growing layer genetic company in the last years.

It’s true, H&N International was never gone. “As an old genetic company, we need to keep ourselves young. And the best way to do that is to always be agile and adaptive to new needs of the world’s diverse markets. And by making our birds create value!” says Xabier Arbe, Managing Director at H&N International. “We have our fair market share in markets like Thailand, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Nepal. And we are committed to come back to the rest of the Asia as well.”

Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and China are focus markets of H&N International. H&N International has been present in all these countries before, and is now returning strongly with dynamic, future oriented and very capable business partners, so farmers anywhere can rely on and enjoy the highly productive and adaptable H&N layer hens safely and profitably from the start.

Xabier Arbe

A special focus in all this plans in Asia is on the growing market of India. “Our Grand Parents are already in India, and we are building great partnerships with local companies supporting them to start their own parent stock business and enter the competitive market with our most prolific bird Crystal Nick”, says Arbe.


David Cavero

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Dr. David Cavero, chief geneticist at H&N International is the human parent behind the feathered parents. “We select traits according to real market developments. We don’t look at single traits, but factor in how

interdependencies and multiple influences optimize the overall performance and egg results.”

Feed adaptability is one of the key traits; it means that H&N birds eat the right amount of nutrients from any feed available. “Farmers enjoy liberty in changing to less costly feeds without risking production or profit. It’s an insurance, because our birds manage their feed intake by themselves and adjust to the local raw materials available in different countries. Their instinct and extra flexible gut make them take in just the right amount to keep producing saleable eggs of uniform quality and great shell strength. The birds also adapt their feed intake to the different climate conditions while maintaining a competitive performance.

Meticulous monitoring does the magic: Dr. Cavero monitors over 50.000 genetical markers to broaden the scope, enhance accuracy and deliver hard proof for selling propositions such as feed intake and feed adaptability. Another way as he is improving the birds is by shortening generation intervals in parallel; he increases the genetic progress and in total achieves a very precise calibration of future breeding success.


“In the end only hard facts and measurable numbers make money and profit for our customers. That’s why we test ourselves the hardest.”


The H&N birds aren’t alone

H&N customers aren’t worried about the supply of the parent stock, they are ensured via several genetic hubs around the world. “That way we can ship to our customers from different places in case of travelling restrictions”, says Arbe.

The success of any layer bird of course depends on proper management and nutrition. To help ensure that H&N birds come with a comprehensive package of service and support and a squad of global and local experts: “Our team of multilingual specialists truly spans the globe, yet our structure allows for flawless agility and fast collaboration on projects. This way each customer always gets the most from all of us.”



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