23 Feb 2021
Incubation and Hatchery Performance, “The Devil is in the Details”
The American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV) has announced that starting February 26th, 2021, recorded presentations for the 2021 ACPV Sponsored Workshop in English and Spanish will be released for viewing. This online event will have to Dr. Edgar Oviedo and Ricardo Muñoz as moderators. Abstracts presented in these sessions will also be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Full program broadcast is scheduled for March 13 and March 14 in Central Standard Time.
Available in other languages:
Content available at:
Español (Spanish)
Incubation and Hatchery Performance, “The Devil is in the Details”
The American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV) has announced that starting February 26th, 2021, recorded presentations for the 2021 ACPV Sponsored Workshop in English and Spanish will be released for viewing. This online event will have to Dr. Edgar Oviedo and Ricardo Muñoz as moderators. Abstracts presented in these sessions will also be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Full program broadcast is scheduled for March 13 and March 14 in Central Standard Time. A Zoom invitation to attend the full program will be sent to each registrant. Full program includes recorded presentations followed by live roundtable Q&A sessions with presenters. Attendees can join in for the live Q&A session once have watched the recorded conferences.
This program has been approved for 8 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. Need CE credit for the workshop? To receive CE credits, registrants must successfully pass a quiz for each presentation. Quizzes are found on the Learning Management Site (LMS) website: https://aaap.mclms.net/en (in English only.)
For more information, click here

Workshop Agenda:

Session 1 March 13, 2021
7:00 am -7:30 am Recorded Presentation 1:
Industry Overview of Hatcheries and Production
Dr.Jose J. Bruzual
7:31 am – 8:12 am Recorded Presentation 2:
Breeder Egg Management: Why it’s so Important to Provide Clean Eggs?
Dr. Eduardo Costa
8:13 am – 8:53 am Recorded Presentation 3:
Egg Quality
Dr. Scott Martin
8:58 am – 9:48 am Recorded Presentation 4:
What Does the Embryo Need?: Modelling Incubation Temperature
Dr. Nick French
9:49 am – 10:41 am Recorded Presentation 5:
Basic Science of Embryo Development
Dr. Aline Kunkze
10:42 am – 11:49 am Recorded Presentation 6:
European Perspective on Incubation: Why Single Stage?
Dr. Ron Meijerhof
11:50 am – 12:32 pm Recorded Presentation 7:
Evaluating Incubation
Dr. Donna Hill
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Live Presentation
Live Roundtable Q&A with Session 1
All Session 1 Speakers
Session 2 March 14, 2021 8:00 am to 1:00 pm CST (CENTRAL STANDARD TIME)
8:00 am- 8:40 am Recorded Presentation 1:
Hatchery Sanitation – Basics, Trends and a Future Look at the U.S. ABF Hatchery
Scott McKenzie, BS, Phd
8:41 am -9:05 am Recorded Presentation 2:
Hatchery Ventilation
Chris Williams, MS, Phd
9:06 am -9:33 am Recorded Presentation 3:
Spray Vaccination Update: Infectious Bronchitis
Brian Jordan, Phd
9:38 am- 9:54 am Recorded Presentation 4:
In Ovo Vaccination
Chris Williams, MS, Phd
9:55 am -10:41 am Recorded Presentation 5:
A Field Veterinarian Perspective on Layer Chick Quality
Dr. Ian Rubinoff
10:42 am -11:20 am Recorded Presentation 6:
Quality Control and Diagnostics of Hatchery Performance
Dr. Sue Anne Hubbard
1:00 pm-2:00 pm Live Presentation:
Live Roundtable Q&A with Session 2
All Session 2 Speakers
Registration Fees:
ACPV member $100.00
Non-member $125.00
Student $40.00