Development of an inside-out mini-guts 3D model from stem cells will support studies into common infections and chicken immunity.
Scientists have developed inside-out miniature intestines, also known as enteroids, grown from stem cells, for researching gut biology in poultry.
In addition, they will also support research to better understand the immune response to disease in chickens.
The development, following a decade of research in the area of organoids, should accelerate studies into gut health and diseases that affect birds around the world, and reduce the number of animals used in research.
Moreover, they may also support the testing of feed additives, vaccines and drugs targeted at the chicken gut and determine gut health in chicken breeds through collaborative work with industrial partners.The three-dimensional tissue cultures, mimicking the chicken gut, are composed of many cell types and will enable researchers to study poultry health and disease including infections such as Salmonella and bird flu.