17 Apr 2024
International Poultry Congress 2024 in Turkey, a meeting of academia and the poultry business sector
The International Poultry Congress will be held in Bursa, Turkey, between 08-11 May 2024 in conjunction with Uludag University. This meeting will be a perfect platform to exchange information, strengthen scientific and commercial cooperation among the participants.
International Poultry Congress 2024: “Strategic approaches for sustainable poultry meat and egg production”
Invited Faculty
- Prof. Dr. Achille Schiavone – University of Turin
- Prof. Dr. Ali Esat Karakaya – European University of Lefke
- Prof. Dr. Arda Aydin – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
- Prof. Dr. Avigdor Cahaner – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez – Memorial Hospitals Group
- Dr. Cecile Berri – INRAE
- Prof. Dr. Kamil Tayfun Carlı – Bursa Uludag University
- Dr Michèle Tixier-Boichard – INRAE-WPSA
- Prof. Dr. Musa Sarıca – Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi
- Dr. Mustafa Atasoy – Functional Medicine Training
- Dr. Nys Yves – INRAE
- ir. Peter van Horne – Wageningen Economic Research
- Dr. Rick Van Emous – Wageningen Livestock Research
- Prof. Dr. Selim Çetiner – Sabanci University
- Dr. Tolga Erkus – Aviagen
- Dr. Vincent Guyonnet – WVEPAH
- Dr. Zekeriya Yıldırım – Cobb Türkiye
WPSA Türkiye Branch has been serving the Turkish poultry industry since 1978 by organizing national and international scientific meetings with valuable scientific contributions.
The International Poultry Congress will be held in Bursa, Turkey, between 08-11 May 2024 in conjunction with Uludag University. This meeting will be a perfect platform to exchange information, strengthen scientific and commercial cooperation among the participants.
AviNews International will be present covering the event on site in its clear commitment to the poultry sector at an international level. The idea is to exchange technical knowledge about the global and Turkish poultry industry and to conduct interviews with some of the key speakers at the congress.
The official hotel of the event will be the Euro Park Hotel Bursa, Turkey.
About Bursa
- Bursa province, which is located in the west of Turkey and south of the Marmara Sea, is located in the Marmara Region of our country.
- There are many historical mosques, masjids and tombs in Bursa, where the first examples of Ottoman architecture are seen with the kulliyes built by the Ottoman sultans.
- Bursa is an important agricultural city. It has a significant potential in crop production, especially peaches, black figs, olives, onions.
- On the other hand, it is a very productive center in terms of poultry, sheep and cattle breeding and silkworm breeding.

About Bursa Uludağ University
- Established in 1975, the university was renamed Bursa Uludağ University in 2018.
- There are 15 Faculties, 2 Colleges, 15 Vocational Schools, 1 Conservatory, 4 Institutes, 27 Application and Research Centers, 1 Research Center and 5 departments established under the Rectorate.
- The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 1981.
- Education is carried out in nine departments related to agriculture.
- The Department of Animal Science consists of three departments: Animal Breeding, Feeds and Animal Nutrition, as well as Biometrics and Genetics.

For additional information/registration, visit International Poultry Congress 2024 (wpsaturkiyecongress.org)