The 2021 school will be held virtually from the comfort of your home and/or workplace. Thanks to a virtual format, the Poultry Health Management School Planning Team has created an agenda tailored to different segments of the industry. Whether you’re interested in layers, broilers or turkeys, this year’s content offers individualized sessions in addition to large group content.
“This year is the 20th Anniversary of the Poultry Health Management School! We’re so excited for you to join us and learn about Housing and Management as we commemorate 20 years of educating poultry professionals.”
School Dates:
May 24-25, 2021
The agenda for the PHMS includes lectures related to the anatomy of birds with the presentation and analysis of case studies for broilers, turkeys, and layers. Additionally, some topics in the management of litter, water, feed and pests will be covered during the school days.
DEADLINE: Participants wishing to receive the attendee legacy box filled with conference materials, register on or before May 12, 2021. Legacy boxes will be sent out first come, first served. Those who register closer to the May 12 deadline aren’t guaranteed the box arriving before the start of the school.
Participants who register after the May 12 deadline need to contact Rebecca Groos at [email protected] or (763) 682-2171 to be registered. Legacy boxes will not be sent to participants who register after May 12.
Due to COVID-19 shipping bottlenecks in certain countries, attendees participating internationally are not guaranteed the box will arrive before the start of the school.
For larger group registrations, contact Rebecca Groos at (763) 682-2171 or [email protected].
About Poultry Health Management School
The Poultry Health Management School (PHMS) educates farmers and avian health professionals on the latest research discoveries and innovations in the poultry industry to improve flock health and performance.
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Curriculum for the school is designed by the PHMS Board of Directors. The board is made up of research scientists specializing in poultry from universities across the country. Together with industry experts, they provide the best in training for those interested in the latest poultry management practices.
Who Attends the School
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