
WPSA Congress postponed to 2021


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The 26th World’s Poultry Congress 2020 (WPC2020) is postponed to 2021. This has been decided by the French Branch of WPSA and the organizing committee. They consider the health and well-being of congress participants the highest priority. Therefore, the members of the WPSA board, as well as sponsors both agreed. Consequently, the Organizing Committee decided to postpone the WPC to August 8th to 12th, 2021 in Paris.

The organisers are grateful to the entire WPSA community for supporting this difficult decision. Registrations remain valid for the new dates. The deadline for registrations will be extended for regular fee until December 31st, 2020. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the possibility to amend them.

Regular updates will be published on Information will also be distributed through emails and newsletters to registered participants and WPSA members, and through social media.
The organisers are confident that the congress will take place next year. That also allows the opportunity to celebrate 100 years of WPC since its first edition in 1921!


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