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In this processing article, ideas and concepts are shared with the aim to be used in the poultry industry since they work very well in other sectors of the economy using Artificial Intelligence.
It is known that Social Media are the most effective means to promote and successfully maintain a new product or service. High-performance athletes and people who belong to the show business are the ones who get the most out of it. These amazing achievements are measured by millions of fans who rate their performances with a “Like.”
Chicken processing has always had two complementary objectives in the following areas:
Pre-slaughter and Processing:
Reduction of seizures detected during slaughter, as a result of inadequate monitoring of a series of details and micro details that have been commented on in previous articles, during the operations of:
What has been the purpose of focusing attention on these two topics, located outside the facilities of the processing plants, that help increase the amount of meat that goes to market?
By lowering the number of affectations in the quality of the chickens that arrive at the plants, a greater number of kilos of first-class muscles are available, which, when processed, are transformed into Grade A Quality meat. This additional volume reduces the cost of a kilo slaughtered, a condition that improves the level of competitiveness in the market.
As the sale of chicken meat and its by-products increases, the processing plants must grow to satisfy this gradual demand increase. For this purpose, they will have to increase the speed of slaughter and the number of people; also evaluating the possibility of working a second shift.
This article aims to share ideas and concepts that work very well in other sectors of the economy using Artificial Intelligence.
Everything we know as Artificial Intelligence is supported by a set of Instructions- algorithms, designed to know people in