02 Aug 2022
Dominican Republic: Egg prices are cheaper than in other countries
Egg prices in the Dominican Republic are the lowest in the region, even when compared to large producers such as […]
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Egg prices in the Dominican Republic are the lowest in the region, even when compared to large producers such as the United States and Brazil.
This was stated by the directors of the Dominican Poultry Farming Association (ADA), who emphasized that an egg costs an average of five pesos, and a large egg can cost seven or eight pesos if it is free farms.
- They indicated that a dozen eggs could cost more than five dollars in the United States, and both chicken and egg production have prices more than double that in the Dominican Republic.
The country produces 254 million eggs per month, a record figure compared to previous years.
A year and a half ago, production was 160 million monthly units and steadily increased.
ADA executives pointed out that per capita egg consumption in the country has increased because doctors have dispelled myths about the yolk and its effect on cholesterol.
Therefore, production has also increased, and many more producers have entered into producing fertile eggs, producing pullets, which produce eggs for consumption.
Sales to Haiti, which consumes between 30 and 20 million eggs per month, have also increased, although it is still an informal market with ups and downs.
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ADA executives emphasized that eggs are the cheapest protein and are widely consumed by people who exercise.
They indicated that, due to the increase in raw material prices, producing eggs and chickens are more expensive, and most of it is assumed by the producers.
They said that next September, they expect to have raw materials at more affordable prices, which will allow them to receive cheaper prices per pound of chicken and per unit of eggs in December.
They emphasized that in the Dominican Republic, there is good genetics in poultry production, facilities, handling, and
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