28 May 2021

In-ovo vaccination

In-ovo vaccination plays an important role in the hatchability and performance of the chicken, since, as is known, in addition to facilitating handling, in ovo vaccination makes the chick begin its immunization process for at least 2 days before hatching.

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  • vacinação in ovo incubaçãoCurrently, many people still measure the potential of the incubator only according to the hatchability of the eggs, that is, the number of chicks that hatch per day, but the correct procedure would be to first evaluate the quality of these chicks according to their live performance. In other words, a higher hatching percentage does not necessarily mean optimal quality chicks.

There are certain practices to increase hatchability in incubation that, in most cases, do not improve the quality of the chick and, in fact, often reduce the quality of that neonate in a proven way.

  • Maximizing chick performance in the field is a constant and joint goal of hatchery and production technicians around the world.
  • To comply, all details that may affect hatching quality and field performance must be monitored.

Thus, in ovo vaccination plays an important role in the hatchability and performance of the chicken, since, as is known, in addition to facilitating handling, in ovo vaccination makes the chick begin its immunization process for at least 2 days before hatching, as opposed to vaccinations carried out at hatch or in the field. However, if done at the wrong time, it can affect both the hatchability and performance of the chicken in the field.

Another of the most important aspects, in addition to choosing the correct moment for in ovo vaccination, is that the quality of the eggs for incubation is often not considered. This will directly affect the quality of the chick because, as is known, good quality chicks hatch from good quality eggs and are influenced, among other factors, by genetics, nutrition, size, egg quality and shell, the ratio of albumen and yolk, and, in particular, whether it is pathogen-free.

Since the last decades, the poultry industry is going through a great change in trend: vaccinations, which were previously carried out in the field by means of drinking water, are now carried out in the incubator, in ovo or subcutaneously. Currently, in almost 80% of the world's hatcheries, regardless of the number of chicks produced, vaccination is carried out in the facility, with the subcutaneous or in ovo method. This trend is explained by some aspects that maximize protection in the field:


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