08 Mar 2024

Poultry meat is healthy

The fat composition of poultry is favorable because it includes significant amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids (only one third is made up of saturated fat) and when compared to fats of sheep, cattle and pig origin, there is a greater contribution of polyunsaturated fats, especially Omega 6 and arachidonic acid.

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The low collagen content in poultry meat is a positive factor as it decreases the digestibility of the meat.

  • Meats of all types contain fats, especially saturated fats.
  • Their consumption is therefore potentially associated with an increase in the intake of these nutrients and the corresponding negative effect on health, however, the most important thing is not to exceed the recommendations and to take into account the composition of fatty acids provided by each food.
  • Fat provides essential fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids) and lipophilic vitamins (A, D, E and K), represents the major source of energy, promotes satiety by delaying gastric emptying and for the same reason, decreases the bioavailability of carbohydrates and therefore the glycemic response and finally, fats promote taste, smell and texture of food.

The skin increases the caloric content of the chicken by 25 to 30% due to the presence of fat. Considering the above, the removal of the skin can favor a significant decrease in the fat content of chicken. The fat content in the leanest cuts of chicken, such as the breast, is only 1%, being higher in the wings, especially if they have skin (17%). When compared to other types of meat, poultry meat has the lowest fat content.

Other nutritional aspects

Sources: Available upon request

Related to Animal Nutrition


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