
Synopsis of the 3rd Latin American PSA conference


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The Latin American section of the Poultry Science Association (PSA) met in Iguazu Falls, Paraná, Brazil, on October 4 to 6. This third event was held at the beautiful Bourbon Cataratas do Iguaçu Thermas Eco Resort. The Latin American Scientific Conference of the PSA has been held every two years in Brazil since 2016. But, after getting postponed twice due to the pandemic, this event was a success.

The Program Chair was Professor Alexandre Rosa, and Vice Chair was Dr. Nei Arruda Barbosa. With their direction, the Organizing Committee did an excellent job coordinating the event and overcoming the challenges during the past three years.

The Organizing Committee included colleagues from universities and multinational companies related to the Poultry Industry.

More than 600 people participated in this meeting, including students, researchers, professors, and professionals related to poultry science and production.

These participants came from 23 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Holland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and the USA.

This diversity of origin indicates that this meeting has become a global event and is not limited to Latin America.

Brazilian conference

The PSA LATAM is an opportunity to assemble Universities and Industries producing innovations that may benefit the poultry industry in Latin America and worldwide.

Undergraduate and graduate student presentations were on competition as it is a tradition for PSA Meetings. A total of 210 short scientific reports and ten symposia with 49 talks were presented. From all papers presented, ten papers received Student Awards for their scientific quality and presentation.

  1. Total Approach to Salmonella Control: Perspectives and Opportunities
  2. One Health and Antibiotic-free Poultry Production: Actual Global Challenges
  3. Proteins: from feedstuffs to meat
  4. Sustainability in Poultry Production: How does nutrition affect animal performance and the environm ent?
  5. Feeding strategies to improve the gut health and performance of poultry
  6. The positive balance between agents that impact the optimized functionality of the entire intestinal process
  7. Precision Intestinal Nutrition: a new definition for


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