Early feeding within the first 48 hours to 72 hours of the chicks results in improved productivity, accelerates the development of the gastrointestinal tract, and positively contributes to the development of the immune system – Sklan, 2003.
What is the effect of feed form on broiler performance and health?
The immediate period after birth is crucial, and a prompt intake of balanced feed must be ensured, facilitating its access, availability, and apprehension to make production viable.
Available in other languages:The following research study evaluates the effect of the feed form of the balanced feed of first age and the bodyweight at birth on the productive results and mortality in broilers.
The immediate period after birth is crucial, and a prompt intake of balanced feed must be ensured, facilitating its access, availability, and apprehension to make production viable.
Some studies have suggested that a form of presentation of balanced feed in pellets brings benefits such as greater growth at early ages and increased productivity, later – Cerrate et al., 2008; 2009; Michard and Rouxel, 2014.
This improvement is argued under the hypothesis that birds select an adequate size of feed according to their oral cavity capacity, allowing them to optimize energy when consuming, circumstances that favor feed intake with greater efficiency.
The body weight at birth, determined by the age of the breeding hens, among other factors, influences the productive performance and the mortality of the chicks –Viera and Moran, 1999, especially during the first week of life.
- This fact seems to be associated with a lower lipids mobilization from the yolk due to its smaller size. Therefore, a chick's survivability and productive potential are determined in part by body weight at hatch.
The present work evaluated the micro granulated pre-initiation feed as a strategy to increase vitality and productive performance in chicks with low live weight at birth in the short and medium term of growth.
What is the objective of this study?
To evaluate the
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