In-Ovo Sexing is Reality
Dr. Michèle Tixier-Boichard, WPSA President: “Better optimize than maximize”
Chicks hatch on the floor of the broiler house
Keep the farm clean for productive flocks
Duck products to the corners of the world
Dr: Ron Meijerhof: Mother nature leads the way
The art of keeping layers in top condition
Gert Jan Oplaat: Poultry meat on every table in Europe
Dr. Marcel Dicke: Chickens see “them fly”
Futuristic “Windstreek” house is fully energy neutral
“Taking layer welfare to a higher level across Europe”
Interview Cor Van de Ven
Farm report: Future oriented layer farm reveals new insights
Interview with Robin Horel, IPC President
Farm Report: On-farm hatching is beneficial
Professor Dr. Ning Yang President WPSA
“ An egg a day, how simple is that? “
“The search for precision feeding in poultry”
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