18 Jul 2022

Continuing education and certification in poultry by WVEPAH

The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (W.V.E.P.A.H) offers high-quality continuing education. The W.V.E.P.A.H program is designed for those professionals in the poultry industry who wish to broaden and certify their knowledge...

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The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (W.V.E.P.A.H) offers high quality continuing education. 

The W.V.E.P.A.H program is designed for those professionals in the poultry industry who wish to broaden and certify their knowledge in the area of poultry health and production, with strong emphasis on health management. Intensive training is provided at an advanced level with major emphasis on a case oriented and problem-solving approach. 

These professionals can take advantage to the opportunity to participate in the programs of the WVEPAH and obtain the Academic Diploma «Certificate in Animal Heath: Poultry Production» (C.A.H.P.P.) whose regulatory part is taught and validated by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH/OIE) for the whole world. 

WVEPAH program consist of a series of courses and 25 analyses of clinical cases in a particular field of poultry health and production. A typical study program is composed of two courses: 

The courses give an extensive overview of important infectious and non-infectious diseases at different stages of the Broilers, Egg layers, Turkeys and Waterfowl productions process. 

Participants will be trained to investigate, diagnose, and solve both common and less common problems. 

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The module I course allow to understand and apply the regulatory aspects taught be a WOAH/OIE representative. 

The courses are offered in English, in French and in Spanish by a team of world-class Course Masters. Including speakers from the WOAH/ OIE. 

The constant concern for the WVEPAH is to offer participants the best training at the best cost. Distance learning is maintained by now and the residential Module II courses will be reintegrated from 2023.

Two ONLINE trainings are ongoing now: 

«Broiler, chicken and breeder: health and production» This course is given in in English and registration are open until August 30th. 

«Salud de gallinas ponedoras y producción de huevos» This course is given in Spanish and will be starting on September 1st. 

Courses include pre-recorded courses and


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