1M. Pizarro
2E. Tabanera
3H.L. Shivaprasad
A. Gregorio Rosales
Alberto Morillo Alujas
Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro
Antonio Apércio Klein
Brian Fairchild
Clara Marín
Clara Marín Orenga
Cristina Caballero
Daniel Maekawa
Daniel Villalba Mat
Daral J. Jackwood
David Jiménez Zarza
David Olucha Moreno
Dr. Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondon
Dr. Guillermo Díaz Arango
Dr. Keith Bramwell
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
Eduardo Cervantes López
Eduardo Romanini
Eng. Fabio G Nunes - Consultant in Poultry Processing
F. Joseph Lockinger
Hafez M Hafez
Hy Line Technical Team
Instituto de estudios del Huevo & Inprovo
Jason Cormick
José J. Bruzual
Jose Luis Valls
Juan Carlos Abad
Juan Carlos López
Juan D. Latorre
Juan David Sorza
Juan Valle
Laura Lorenzo Rebenaque
Marcos Fava Neves
Mari Carmen García
Mark Allen
Mark W. Jackwood
Michael Czarick
Mike Czarick
Montserrat Llagostera
Nabil Mehada
Pablo Catalá
Pablo Catalá Gregori
Pascual Alonso
Pedro Learte
Pilar Cortés
Rafael Gil Evangelista
Rafael Lera García
Raúl Rodríguez
Sakine Yalçın
Sandra Sevilla Navarro
Santiago Vega García
Sergio Nadal
Verónica Cortés
Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic substances for optimizing gut health in poultry – Part II
Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic substances for optimizing gut health in poultry. Part 1
Most frequent respiratory infections in turkeys
Infectious bronchitis complicated by a secondary infection caused by E. coli
Estimation of intestinal integrity in poultry
SPIDES, its use in broiler hatcheries
Floor Eggs: Management to make layers lay fewer eggs on the floor
Hatchable eggs, storage effects
The black bone syndrome in broilers
Egg Storage, three key areas in incubation
Incubation with manual measurements of eggshell temperature
Determination of shell quality in hatching eggs
Reduce your hatch window with these three recommendations
Mortality surveys assessing health and welfare of broiler breeders
Optimizing saleable eggs: Efficiency & Profitability of layers.
Feather development and integrity in broiler breeders
And if the veterinarians hadn’t been there…Sustainability: The new attribute of poultry farming
Key points during the rearing phase of broiler breeder pullets
Nutrition of layer hens and its impact on egg quality
Classification of hatching eggs from a breeder flock
Chick feeding: From the early hours to the first few days
Impact of eggs in the diets of physically active people
Seven Key Management Points in Tunnel Ventilation Systems
A new scenario in controlling costs in different egg production systems
Discarded chicks: Source of information to improve hatching performance
What factors are most influential in the costs of a vertical company?
Meat quality problems: Muscle myopathies in chicken
Water consumption and the cyclical nature of chicks.
Biostatistics: Interpreting Results of Scientific Articles
Current views of phage therapy in poultry production
Monitoring antibiotic resistance in Salmonella Spp.
Reducing avian colibacillosis in poultry farms through vaccination
Beak treatment: Following the current market situation
Four fundamental principles for optimal chick storage
Two months, two weeks and two days, second phase of breeder rearing.
Current problems of the quality of meat in the poultry industry
The importance of R&D due to the demand in egg companies
Prevention and control of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Precision processing for comprehensive digital management
New vaccines against Infectious Bursal Disease aka Gumboro
Mycoplasmosa control and diagnosis in breeders and broilers
Infectious laryngotracheitis: Assessing protection & vaccination programs
How much should a tunnel door be opened during hot weather?
Mental Map: Effective Management Strategy in the chicken business
Classification of non-hatching eggs from breeder flocks
Nutrition management of layers in floor operations
Management of aviary systems for layer operations
The importance of feed consumption
Environmental control to increase poultry farm efficiency
Oxidation-Reduction Potential for the biosecurity of our farms
What are the main factors affecting eggshell quality?
Heat stress and its management in commercial layers
Heat treatment, microbiology and physical quality of feed
Importance of chicken bone in long production cycles
Fluttering: Origin of seizures at the plant
Onset of laying: a key period
WASTE: Another Great Challenge During Chicken Processing
Establishment and Implementation of an Effective Biosecurity Program
Vaccine management in incubators
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