1M. Pizarro
2E. Tabanera
3H.L. Shivaprasad
A. Gregorio Rosales
Ad Bal
Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)
Alberto Morillo Alujas
Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro
Alessandra Arno
Alfredo Corujo Fernández
Ana C. B. Doi
Ananda P. Felix
Andrea Pizzabiocca
Anneliese Mueller
Antonio Apércio Klein
Antonio Gilberto Bertechini
Arlen P. Gomez
Bernardo Rocha Franco Nogueira
Bettina Behler-Wöchtl
Bill Potter
Biozyme Technical Team
Brian Fairchild
Brian Fairchild & Mike Czarick
By Kelen Zavarize
Carlos Garcés Narro
Chance Bryant
Christine Laganá
Clara Marín
Clara Marín Orenga
Cobb Technical Services Team
Cristina Caballero
D.V.M. E.P.A Roberto Hidalgo Gómez
D.V.M. Gabriel Pantoja Nuñez
Daniel Maekawa
Daniel Villalba Mat
Daral J. Jackwood
David Jiménez Zarza
David Lizaso
David Olucha Moreno
Diogo Ito
Douglas Zaviezo PhD.
Dr. Algis Martínez - DVM -ACPV Diplomate
Dr. Ana E. Blanco
Dr. Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondon
Dr. Fábio Pértille
Dr. Guillermo Díaz Arango
Dr. Guillermo Zavala
Dr. Gustavo Quintana
Dr. Héctor Cervantes
Dr. Kate Barger-Weathers
Dr. Keith Bramwell
Dr. Marta Jaramillo
Dr. Rocio Crespo
Dr. Susan Watkins
Dra. Elein Hernández
Dra. Masaio Mizuno Ishizuka
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
Edson Luiz Bordin
Eduardo Cervantes López
Eduardo Lucio Decanini
Eduardo Romanini
Eliana Icochea D’Arrigo
Eng. Fabio G Nunes - Consultant in Poultry Processing
Érica de Faria Melo
Estella Leentfaar
Evelien Germeraad
F. Joseph Lockinger
Fabio Bittencourt
Fahad Alfayez
Federico Etcheverry
Francisco Castellanos Guzmán
G. González Mateos
Gabriel Novaes - Veterinarian and Animal Reproduction Specialist at Cobb-Vantress
Gamie Gundran
Gary García-Espinosa
Gene Pesti
Gloria C. Ramirez-Nieto
Gracieli Araujo Specialist in Animal Welfare - Cobb LatCan
Guillermo Tellez
Guillermo Zavala
H. John Barnes
H&N Technical Department
H&N Technical Team
Hafez M Hafez
Helen Masey O’Neill
Helen Wojcinski
Humberto Marques Lipori
Hy Line Technical Team
Instituto de estudios del Huevo & Inprovo
International Egg Foundation
Iran José Oliveira da Silva
Isabel M. Gimeno
Jason Cormick
Jorge Amado
José Antonio Quintana López
José Guilherme Morschel Barbosa
José J. Bruzual
Jose Larger
José Luis Januário
Jose Luis Valls
José Luis Valls García
Juan Carlos Abad
Juan Carlos López
Juan Carlos Morales Luna
Juan D. Latorre
Juan David Sorza
Juan Valle
Kali Simioni
Ken Bafundo
Kirk Dawkins
Laura Lorenzo Rebenaque
Lilong Chai
Lohmann Breeders GmbH
Louise Dufour-Zavala
Luciano Keske - Veterinarian and Associate Director of Technical Service at Cobb-Vantress for Latin America and Canada
Luis F Klein
Lynne Billard
Mabel Sibonginkosi Ndebele
Manuel Contreras
Marcos Fava Neves
Mari Carmen García
Maria Camila Alfaro
Maria Paula Urian Avila
Mark Allen
Mark W. Jackwood
Martha Pulido-Landínez
Mercedes Vázquez-Añón
Michael Czarick
Mike Czarick
Minliang Yang
Montserrat Llagostera
Nabil Mehada
Natalie K. Armour
Nestor Ledesma Martínez
Nicolò Cinotti
Novus Technical Team
Nuproxa Technical Team
Pablo Catalá
Pablo Catalá Gregori
Pascual Alonso
Paul Welten
Pedro Learte
Pedro Villegas
Pilar Cortés
Rafael Gil Evangelista
Rafael Lera García
Raúl Rodríguez
Renata B. M. S. Souza
Rodrigo Galli
Rosangela Poletto
Roslin Institute
Sakine Yalçın
Sandra Sevilla Navarro
Sandro Cerrate
Santiago Uribe-Diaz
Santiago Vega García
Sergio Nadal
Shawn Carlton
Simone G. de Oliveira
Steve Leeson
Suzete P. de M. Neta
Talha Siddique
Teun van de Braak
Tom Tabler
Udaykumar Mudbakhe
University of Edinburgh
Verónica Cortés
Vitor Hugo
Vivian I. Vieira
Volcani Center (Israel)
Winfridus Bakker
Zoetis Technical Team
Zucami Technical Team
Hypochlorous Acid, a New Era in Water Purification!
Vaccinating for Marek’s? Don’t be Thrown Off by PFU Levels
Chick Quality – Part II
Fahad Alfayez Interview
Research Highlights from International Poultry Scientific Forum 2025
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Variants: A Challenge for Commercial Vaccines?
Newcastle Disease: Knowing the Virus Better to Make the Best Control Decisions. Part I
Potential Solutions to the Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome in Laying Hens
Factors and Strategies that Help to Improve the Thermal Comfort of Birds
How to benefit most from Van Gent Community nests Part 2 – The management
Cleaning and Disinfection of Open Sided Houses and Humid Season Broiler Production
Salmonella Initiatives in the U.S. Poultry Industry during 2024
Managing Floor Eggs in Broiler Breeders
Sustainability in Poultry Production Through the Efficient Use of Poultry Manure
BioZyme® Relies on AO-Biotics® to Accomplish its Mission
A Summary of Learnings From the 49th Incubation & Fertility Research Group (IFRG) Meeting
Poultry is Good, People Should Know It
Chick Quality – Part I
A Signal Light Feeding Program for Breeder Flocks
Advancements in Poultry Salmonella Vaccine Strategies: Balancing Safety and Immunogenicity
How Can Poultry Nutrition be Optimized to Seek Profitability and Sustainability?
Effects of Chronic Stress and Intestinal Inflammation on Commercial Poultry Health and Performance: Part II
Antioxidants in Layer Feed
The Reasons Why the World is Moving to Community Nests
From Broiler Processing: Preparing to Feed the World Nutritionally!
Feathers, Fans, and Fahrenheit: The Ultimate Chick Comfort Guide!
Depression, Air Speed and Path of Incoming Air
Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic substances for optimizing gut health in poultry – Part II
Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic substances for optimizing gut health in poultry. Part 1
Biosecurity Compliance: The Balance Between Culture, Personality, Experience, Education and Technology
In ovo vaccination with Embrex® technology helps support earlier, more robust immune response in chicks
Egg Size
Brian Fairchild Interview
High Oleic Soybeans and their Impact on Egg and Poultry Meat Quality
Metapneumovirus Epidemiology and Seasonality
Controlling Insects in Poultry Production
Effects of Chronic Stress and Intestinal Inflammation on Commercial Poultry Health and Performance: Part I
Applications of Saponins in Poultry Production
The Quality Parameters of Soybean and Alternative Protein Feedstuffs in Poultry Nutrition
Pathology of the Immune System in the Diagnosis of Immunosuppression in Poultry
Animal Welfare and Artificial Intelligence: A Combination of the Poultry Present or Future?
Advancing Poultry Health: The Role of Predictive Analytics in Disease Prevention
Evelien Germeraad Interview
Diseases causing broiler breeder male infertility
Emerging Footpad Dermatitis Challenges In Broilers And Nutritional Interventions
AO-BIOTICS® EQE, a Novel Postbiotic That Generates An Economic Return In Layers
Estimating variation in mixed feed
The science behind yolk color: how poultry feed can affect egg quality
Floor eggs and their effect on hatch
Practical benefits of the Flesher in broiler breeders
Biosecurity: what have we learned about bioexclusion and biocontainment?
Feeding Management In Layers
Condensed tannins and mycotoxins in genotypically brown sorghums: a new challenge to overcome in poultry production
Avian Influenza zoonosis
Heat waves and the importance of the environment in poultry farming posture
Detecting broiler chickens at different ages with advanced deep learning models
Enterococcus infections reduce hatchability and increase early mortality
Principles of biosecurity in poultry farming with emphasis on the control of enteric syndrome – a new perspective
Poultry farming 4.0 how technologies can help
Interview with Carlos Garcés Narro
Perching for broiler breeders
Management of breeder males for better performance understanding the physiology of males helps design the best management strategies
Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare
Sustainability for the Poultry Industry
Variability of Feed Prices in the Americas
In-Ovo Sexing is Reality
Uneven Bird Distribution Can Prove Costly
Biosecurity Practices to Protect your Farm From Avian Influenza
Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key
Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry
Obtain The Best Results During Breeding In An Efficient, Easy And Safe Way With GREEN START
Use Of a Water Acidifier PL ORGANICS H2O For Nutritional Utilization In Broilers: An Updated Review
Much more than just a choline replacement
MagFan – World Leader In Fan Efficiency!
COBB-VANTRESS Highlights Winter Management Strategies To improve Broiler Performance – Part 1
Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals
Why should we segregate soybean precision nutrition meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?
Mycotoxins: Small in size, big in damage
Avian Chlamydiosis
Rearing: “The right beginning” for an excellent egg production
Quail egg production systems
S. Infantis: an emerging serotype that became resident? Part II
Research highlights: International Poultry Scientific Forum 2023
Dr. Michèle Tixier-Boichard, WPSA President: “Better optimize than maximize”
Chicks hatch on the floor of the broiler house
Calcium and Phosphorus. A necessary balance in broiler diets
Quality control of chicken meat through NIRS technology
Keep the farm clean for productive flocks
Dr. Campbell: Experiences in training poultry personnel
Synopsis of the 3rd Latin American PSA conference
Duck products to the corners of the world
Dr: Ron Meijerhof: Mother nature leads the way
The importance of assessing internal hatching egg quality
Management and maintenance of automatic equipment in poultry houses: Feeders
Avian Coccidiosis: An interview with Dr. Héctor Cervantes
Most frequent respiratory infections in turkeys
Changes and challenges in Brazilian broiler nutrition in the last five years
Controlling water temperature during brooding
Innovations for the poultry industry to be presented at IPPE 2023
Importance of Zearalenone in Commercial Poultry
Creating the right climate for poultry
World’s Poultry Congress 2022
The art of keeping layers in top condition
Gert Jan Oplaat: Poultry meat on every table in Europe
What you didn’t know about the 33rd Poultry Science Symposium
Use of whole wheat in broiler feed: advantages and disadvantages
S. Infantis: an emerging serotype that has become a resident?
Gizzard and proventriculus as a health marker
Caged and cage-free laying hens
Solutions for ending male chick culling in Germany
Prepare breeder hens for optimum production
Accumulation and elimination of mycotoxins in poultry
Applied artificial intelligence to increase the consumption of chicken
Key points in the broiler turkey hatchery process
Main learnings of The American College of Poultry Veterinarians workshop
Futuristic “Windstreek” house is fully energy neutral
“Taking layer welfare to a higher level across Europe”
Safety of mycotoxins binders in poultry
Avian Influenza in North America spring 2022
The air cell of the egg
Plastic cooling pads may compete to paper pads
Good quality drinking water
Interview Cor Van de Ven
Farm report: Future oriented layer farm reveals new insights
Learnings from the International Poultry Scientific Forum 2022
New methods of detection and diagnosis for poultry diseases
Alternatives to control coccidiosis
Better males through restaurant feeding
Infectious bronchitis complicated by a secondary infection caused by E. coli
Critical points in the nutrition of laying hens
Estimation of intestinal integrity in poultry
Emerging parasitic processes in alternative poultry systems
Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects of beta-glucan
SPIDES, its use in broiler hatcheries
Interview with Robin Horel, IPC President
Enterococcal spondylitis
Farm Report: On-farm hatching is beneficial
Current trends in vaccine development
Vision of poultry
Ensuring performance, health and livability by a multifactorial approach
Poultry housing tips: target temperature changes with heating system type
New IEF manual for emerging commercial egg producers
H&N International, one of the worlds’ oldest genetics sets out to grow further, especially in Asian markets
Applied Poultry Science part-time programme (online learning)
H5N1 Bird flu reappears in Italy
Time-restricted feeding in commercial layer hens improves egg quality
UN names eggs as a star ingredient for World Food Day
Bird flu outbreaks in two south-east locations of Russia
Environment drives DNA changes in Ethiopian chickens
Poultry Producer’s Willingness to Invest in On-Farm Carcass Disposal
Inside-out mini-guts aid research into poultry
Global Poultry Markets Recover on Improved Fundamentals, but Southeast Asia Struggles
Quality chicks born in the hatchery: care and monitoring that make a difference
Floor Eggs: Management to make layers lay fewer eggs on the floor
The benefits behind the Internet of animals
Hatchable eggs, storage effects
The black bone syndrome in broilers
Egg Storage, three key areas in incubation
The Connection between Stress and Intestinal Inflammation: How Do Bacteria Benefit from Intestinal inflammation?
The direction of poultry welfare: layers
Marek’s disease vaccination needed now more than ever
“ An egg a day, how simple is that? “
Using predictive analytics to improve hatchery performance
Update on Solutions for Wooden Breast Research
Influence of breeder nutrition and management on flock performance
Chicken processing: Managing with the senses
Ventilating poultry houses on foggy days
Incubation with manual measurements of eggshell temperature
Determination of shell quality in hatching eggs
Be prepared to prevent heat stress in layers
Reduce your hatch window with these three recommendations
Mortality surveys assessing health and welfare of broiler breeders
Cleaning and disinfection, an essential part of broiler production
Monitoring field strains key to successful vaccination against IBDV
Controlling Newcastle disease virus
Optimizing saleable eggs: Efficiency & Profitability of layers.
Feather development and integrity in broiler breeders
And if the veterinarians hadn’t been there…Sustainability: The new attribute of poultry farming
How to minimize litter caking issues at the beginning of a flock
Key points during the rearing phase of broiler breeder pullets
Nutrition of layer hens and its impact on egg quality
Classification of hatching eggs from a breeder flock
Preventing Salmonella in laying hens
Chick feeding: From the early hours to the first few days
Impact of eggs in the diets of physically active people
Seven Key Management Points in Tunnel Ventilation Systems
Limiting transmission of parasite currently best option for controlling histomoniasis
How to guard your hatchery against biosecurity threats
A new scenario in controlling costs in different egg production systems
Discarded chicks: Source of information to improve hatching performance
What factors are most influential in the costs of a vertical company?
Meat quality problems: Muscle myopathies in chicken
Water consumption and the cyclical nature of chicks.
Biostatistics: Interpreting Results of Scientific Articles
Current views of phage therapy in poultry production
Monitoring antibiotic resistance in Salmonella Spp.
More chicks from split feeding in breeders
Reducing avian colibacillosis in poultry farms through vaccination
Beak treatment: Following the current market situation
Feeding layers up to 100 weeks of age
Four fundamental principles for optimal chick storage
Two months, two weeks and two days, second phase of breeder rearing.
Current problems of the quality of meat in the poultry industry
Preventing infection, dehydration helps ensure good chick quality
How to assess internal egg quality?
Chick quality: Importance of breeder nutrition and management
The importance of R&D due to the demand in egg companies
The cyclic nature of chicks
Prevention and control of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Precision processing for comprehensive digital management
New vaccines against Infectious Bursal Disease aka Gumboro
Difficulty in detecting high levels of mycotoxins in clinical cases
Mycoplasmosa control and diagnosis in breeders and broilers
Infectious laryngotracheitis: Assessing protection & vaccination programs
How much should a tunnel door be opened during hot weather?
Managing layer health in an alternative system
Intestinal health in the era of NAE
Raised CO2 levels during hatching: a myth debunked
“Every era demands new insights”
The importance of monitoring chick water usage
Raising good quality males
Five common issues during brooding
Mental Map: Effective Management Strategy in the chicken business
Classification of non-hatching eggs from breeder flocks
Nutrition management of layers in floor operations
Management of aviary systems for layer operations
The importance of feed consumption
Environmental control to increase poultry farm efficiency
Oxidation-Reduction Potential for the biosecurity of our farms
What are the main factors affecting eggshell quality?
Ensuring a good management of spray vaccination
Promoting growth in an antibiotic-free environment
Using baselines for ELISA serology
Accommodation management of layers moving from rearing house to an aviary
“The search for precision feeding in poultry”
Why is my biosecurity program not working?
Clean water lines for flock health
Heat stress and its management in commercial layers
Hatchery sanitation
Heat treatment, microbiology and physical quality of feed
Importance of chicken bone in long production cycles
Chick body temperature: from hatchery to farm
Clinical observations associated with mycotoxicosis in chickens
Alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters in poultry
Fluttering: Origin of seizures at the plant
Onset of laying: a key period
Confinement for poultry ended in The Netherlands
Using flock data to make better decisions
Variable speed tunnel fans can result in dramatic power savings
Global Egg Nutrition Expert Group formed
Performance evaluation and stress diagnosis in chickens
Jumbo Supermarket selling “Respeggt” eggs
Namibia suspends poultry imports from USA and Ukraine
Frequently asked questions about the coronavirus based on what we know about the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)
WPSA Congress postponed to 2021
Turning fat from wastewater into energy
Algeria secures poultry supply during Ramadan
EBRD and EU help Chirina in Georgia to boost capacity
Highly pathogenic bird flu in South Carolina
Morocco opens for chicks and hatching eggs from Brazil
Gallibacterium anatis – An Emerging Pathogen of Poultry?
WASTE: Another Great Challenge During Chicken Processing
Establishment and Implementation of an Effective Biosecurity Program
Improved laying hen traits demand applied nutrition
Vaccine management in incubators
Problems and solutions at the Hatchery
Understanding heat-stress in layers (Part I)
The expert: Coccidiosis, with Martina Dardi
Maintaining air quality overnight
Frequent problems in Hatcheries, Part II
Why do we still have Newcastle in Latin America? A vision about avian biologics
Fundamental basics of the use and interpretation of serology
Satellite geographic localization for controlling respiratory diseases
Interviewing Pablo Anhalzer, president of CONAVE in Ecuador
Importance of apparent temperature!
Basic practices for heavy breeders, production
AviNews International March 2025
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